Time to Come

This vivid poem came to me in the early hours before sunrise. I lay there for some time thinking about each scene trying to analyse it, and soon after before dawn put it to paper.


Time to Come

It was early in the morning, and the sun was not yet up.

It was full daylight, the sky was clear,

The trees were green, and all seemed well.

We were traveling along on unmade roads.

We had been traveling for hours with nary a local in sight,

From time to time, we could see a compound almost a fortress in the distance,

but not a soul would respond to our hail.

We pulled up near a stream to spend a night in this fair land,

lit a fire, had our supper, and sang some songs,

We turned in and slept under the stars, what a beauty it was on this clear night.

Next morning, we continued on our journey in this foreign land,

We had hoped to meet some of the local inhabitants,

 but none did answer our call.

It was early afternoon when we started to see some animals,

Then we noticed more and more of them,

They seemed to be following us in greater and great numbers.

Animals of all sorts, both herbivores and carnivores,

They were keeping up with us at pace,

Some were even throwing themselves at our vehicles.

We were beginning to be concerned for our safety,

 and not sure how much longer we could stay ahead of the pack.

We were forced to stop and soon we were surrounded by these menacing creatures.

It is now light outside, and the sun is almost up.

What could this dream mean?

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

20 October 2023. 4.45am

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