Seeking Peace

The world is in such turmoil, there are clashes on every continent. In some places people are losing their lives in the hundreds each day. These clashes do in no way assist in bringing about world peace. More understanding, more caring, more education, more medical care, is required. Finding the solution by discussing the problems or concerns rather than racing for arms.


Seeking Peace

Peace has been an elusive concept for many centuries,

in every decade this planet we all call home,

there has been civil unrest or a war somewhere.

Humanity does war very well.

We study it at school, at university, and we read or hear about it each day.

We understand that it is not right to take the life of another,

yet that principle flies out the window in war.

We understand that many people go hungry and die from starvation,

yet withholding or cutting off food supplies to some seems to be okay

We hear each day how medical supplies in this place or that are limited or non-existent, yet if it were to be supplied there would be less suffering and death.

We know that education and literacy is almost non-existent in some places,

yet if this were to be changed it alone would assist in changing the lives of millions of people to become better citizens.

This is a dire picture of the situation in the world today,

it could all be rectified to improve all aspects of the peoples of the world.

We have a choice, keep doing what we have been doing for centuries,

and let there be more bloodshed, violence, and ignorance or

take a new course in the development of the world.

By studying peace and working together,

giving aid and education to the millions of people,

who would then raise their own community, country, continent to a higher level of operation and become a humanity working together,

advancing technically, physically, spiritually, and socially.

Let’s give peace a go and reap the rewards for all.

After all, the world is but one country and mankind its citizens.

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

4 November 2023

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