My View

I was sitting by the window this autumn day and gazing outside I was able to capture a moment and appreciate it to its depths of colour, sound and hue.


My view 

As I sit by this window and look outside 

To explain to you the reader of what I see

I would need to write of it till nightfall 

And still the picture would not be complete 

I could just take a snapshot and paste it right here

But the snap shot only captures so much

You can’t hear all the different sounds 

The different bird calls

The traffic near and distant 

The richness of colour and sound 

Of leaf shape and texture 

The different hues of red and green in the foliage. 

The colour of the sky from light blue near to the horizon 

The clouds of ever varying colour and shape 

From the brilliant white to the dark 

Those with a flat underside and fluffy on top. 

And then others streaking high stretching out 

And all the while on the window the loan fly keeps on walking around 

Looking for a way in. 

The shadows are getting longer

And the colours are changing 

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

30 March 2023

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