From Simple to Complex

I wrote this at a time when I was thinking about shapes as one does from time to time and the progression through dimensions.

And during my musings this list piece came to mind.


From simple to complex 

Squares, triangles and circles 

Shapes are a curious thing 

Two dimensional shapes 

We all know of these. 

Then there are three dimensional shapes

Like cubes spheres and pyramids 

We know these a little less. 

Progressing still further

When movement is brought into this image

Let’s say it rotates on its axis 

We can then appreciate it with more understanding 

But when we add a fourth dimension 

The understanding needs to move up a rung

We ask, what would that look like?

How can I explain this?

For instance if this fourth dimension was time

Our mind is challenged and we find it difficult to understand 

We may grasp the meaning 

But we can not integrate this to satisfactory explain it. 

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

30 March 2024

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