Like most of my work, it comes to me when I least expect it and occasionally in very different formats. We have been regularly having a family devotional. Today we decided to sit out on the back veranda. This vision came to me.
Devotional Visions
We were having a devotional on the back veranda.
It was a clear and beautiful morning.
The many birds with their individual calls could be clearly heard.
Accompanying and intermingled with the sound of cicadas who shrill was almost deafening amongst the trees.
I started a with a prayer and then I closed my eyes to hear another.
I did this occasionally through prayer to better feel the prayer.
As I was listening to the words, in my minds eye I saw many creatures materialize, as if curious and fascinated about the spoken words.
I notice one who slowly yet purposefully climbed up on the bench seat to my left, and just in my peripheral vision, another in front of me yet behind the reader who was peeping around the corner supporting a long and large pointed nose, another creature, was slowly trying to get a better look of the goings on from behind me, then there was another on the roof, half hanging over the gutter, looking down at us with a very inquisitive look about him, then there was another creature the size of a small car in a very excited form, dancing on legs that were the shape of sharpened pencils.
Very soon after the prayer ended and opening my eyes, all the creatures vaporised, leaving me with only the memory, of this very special visit.
Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio
6 January 2024 7am