Monthly Archives: April 2024

What is your Passion

What is your Passion

What drives you?

What keeps you going?

Are you always searching?

Seeking clarity!

In this life there are so many questions,

But rarely enough answers,

I was lost and without direction, and just going through the motions,

 of living as best I could.

It wasn’t until 1983 that I started to find some answers.

At last, I realised I was on a path,

 where answers to my questions were being answered

I had found my direction, my driver, and now have clarity in my day-to-day doings

It encompasses the oneness of humanity,

Meaning it does not matter what country or continent that we come from,

Gender has no bearing on differences as all are equal.

The elimination of prejudice of every kind, can enable humanity to be united.

Recognising the harmony of science and religion,

and that there is a common foundation to all religions.

Religion should cause love, affection, and joy.

That all can independently investigate truth for themselves,

in whatever means at their disposal.

For mankind to be able to communicate with all others,

It would necessitate that there be a universal auxiliary language,

All these principles integrated with justice and equality.

You may think these are all very high minded ideals, and cannot be achieved.

Is it not said that all things at first could not be achieved, until it was.

This may just be another one of those,

We need to give it a go.

When done with positive thought and drive so much more can be done.

Think how it was, the last time you did something, when driven to complete.

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

30 April 2024

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My View

I was sitting by the window this autumn day and gazing outside I was able to capture a moment and appreciate it to its depths of colour, sound and hue.


My view 

As I sit by this window and look outside 

To explain to you the reader of what I see

I would need to write of it till nightfall 

And still the picture would not be complete 

I could just take a snapshot and paste it right here

But the snap shot only captures so much

You can’t hear all the different sounds 

The different bird calls

The traffic near and distant 

The richness of colour and sound 

Of leaf shape and texture 

The different hues of red and green in the foliage. 

The colour of the sky from light blue near to the horizon 

The clouds of ever varying colour and shape 

From the brilliant white to the dark 

Those with a flat underside and fluffy on top. 

And then others streaking high stretching out 

And all the while on the window the loan fly keeps on walking around 

Looking for a way in. 

The shadows are getting longer

And the colours are changing 

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

30 March 2023

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I was thinking this day about my parents who have both passed over as have my wife’s parents. 

I heard the sad news that a friend had just lost her parent.

I thought that this time in our life needs special note. As I thought of it I wrote my thoughts down. 



When friends pass over

It reminds me that my time will also come 

I remember my frailty 

I think of their accomplishments 

And I don’t know half of them.

I think of the sons and daughters 

I think of acquaintances and friends 

Their close family, their careers 

And all those whose life has been touched.

I look outside and see the trees 

The birds, the flowers 

The distant hills and plains 

And think all this was here before 

and is still here now.

Life goes on for each of us 

We will all have our moments 

Our achievements, highs and lows 

I sometimes think I could have done it better.

And when it is my time 

I hope to step through that threshold into, that next level 

For I hope, all that I have learned 

Will assist me to be ready for the things to come. 

I wish I could have said farewell to each and everyone 

But the nature of this transition 

Is that I can’t 

But know this, that you were all loved

And I welcome that, when we meet again, hereafter. 

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio 

25 April 2024

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I was reminiscing of earlier days in my childhood and the visions that came to me at that moment.



I grew up in a rural area 

The house we lived in had an iron roof 

There was no insulation so the heat of the North Queensland sun penetrated to the rooms below 

So in those summer days and nights there was little reprieve 

The occasional breeze are very welcome on these hot days 

When the clouds roll in over the house one can hear the snaps of the iron roof as it shrinks 

While below we seek out the smallest of reprieve 

A light breeze flows and dies away

Then late in the afternoon 

The heavy clouds roll in

First there are a few drops

And then all of a sudden as if a fire hose is turned on

The rain comes down as if in buckets full

Teaming down for thirty minutes or more

We run around outside in the garden enjoying the cool change 

The temperature has shifted and is now much more pleasant 

For me, rain on an iron roof bring back memories 

Memories of those days on the farm

The refreshing sound of rain on an iron roof

Followed by a pleasant cool change

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

2 April 2024

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From Simple to Complex

I wrote this at a time when I was thinking about shapes as one does from time to time and the progression through dimensions.

And during my musings this list piece came to mind.


From simple to complex 

Squares, triangles and circles 

Shapes are a curious thing 

Two dimensional shapes 

We all know of these. 

Then there are three dimensional shapes

Like cubes spheres and pyramids 

We know these a little less. 

Progressing still further

When movement is brought into this image

Let’s say it rotates on its axis 

We can then appreciate it with more understanding 

But when we add a fourth dimension 

The understanding needs to move up a rung

We ask, what would that look like?

How can I explain this?

For instance if this fourth dimension was time

Our mind is challenged and we find it difficult to understand 

We may grasp the meaning 

But we can not integrate this to satisfactory explain it. 

Luigi Giuseppe Vittorio

30 March 2024

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